The Highland Hedgehog

The Highland Hedgehog

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day Thirteen

Have you ever had one of those moments when you were sure you had done something a hundred times yet you knew it was your first time ever?  Well today that happened to Robb and I.  We drove into Edinburgh because he had a meeting to attend, and knowing that we have to work and do touristy things in conjunction he made a list of places he would like to stop today.

1.   The mini dealership.  Now those of you who know my husband well, know that he is not one to buy a new car often, even to talk about cars much.  But this is the second time in one month that I have been to a mini dealership.  Once in Portland and today in Edinburgh.  Other than the steering wheel being on the right side of the front seat, the car is the same and I am sure when the company commits to us staying and we lease a car it will be a mini.

2.  Carbury Towers.  This is an old hotel that is currently for sale and he wanted to see what it looked like.  It was old, needed tons of work and some how just didn't speak to us.

3.  Curry's (the local Fry's)- to buy a TomTom.  It was discovered that the map we have just doesn't have all the B roads on it and after trying to find Carbury Towers and a few double twist and turns, he wants a more accurate navigator.  I still get to come along though.

4.  We went to CosKia drive.  Can you guess what is on CosKia drive?  Yep, your right a Costco and an Ikea store.  The whole area has been designed around these two stores, side by side with parking lots both overflowing.

Now to the part about being there before.  We walked into Costco and it was exactly like the Costco in Wilsonville.  We could walk to everything we wanted without a second thought.  The layout was exact.  Not only that, but the beautiful sweater Robb bought me in Wilsonville, telling me it looked very "Scottish" was on sale!

Now you know my love of grocery stores so we had to take a walk down to the deli foods and  meat counter.  All the lamb sold in Costco comes directly from farms in the area and was more expensive than what we buy imported Scottish lamb for.

I saw a turkey, or what I thought was a turkey and told him we should buy it for our Thanksgiving dinner.  We went over to the case and found that it was called a "Turkey Crown".  What is that you ask?  It is the poor bird with the bottom totally cut off.  Nothing left to stuff- no bones on the bottom.  This was disheartening, but my husband is Scottish and he would not pay 30.00 pounds (or about $42,00) for a whole turkey let alone a Turkey Crown.  I am not sure that Turkey will be on our menu for Thanksgiving.  Asda's ad (Wal-mart) said their turkeys would be in the store by December 19th!

And next time you visit Costco know that dollar for dollar, everything was priced pound by pound.  The difference in currency didn't make any difference in the store.  The 1.50 hot dog and drink was still 1.50 in pounds.  Oh by the way, they did have shepherd's pie on the menu as well as jacket potatoes.  That would be a good addition to our stores.

My new word for today was Goods IN- meaning Deliveries

Love to all,


  1. Yes, very expensive over there, your adventures are enlightening, especially the word of the day, wait until you get to name the parts of a car!
    Thanks for the blog Dawn, it's fun and the pictures are great.


    That's the Thai place that was on the TV show I watched in St. Andrews! You two should give it a try.

    Love you,

