The Highland Hedgehog

The Highland Hedgehog

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day Four

The last day of the Renewable Wind Conference and we had our own "stand", another new word for us- in American it was a "booth".  We didn't come with many things to set up the stand, stopped by Staples and purchased a couple of racks to display things and a tin of biscuits (shortbread) to have on the table.  Made Robb promise me that he wouldn't eat them until after the show was over.  He talked all day long and made some good connections for work. As the afternoon progressed, he showed signs that he has the cold/flu that kept me in bed yesterday.  Me?  I attended two different speakers, one on the legal laws on small wind and the other about the engineering of small turbines, the noise and vibration of the machines.  Fortunately, the sudafed helped me sit through each one, not quite a sleep, but perhaps close.  I was taking notes for Robb and I am sure there are parts missing.  Tomorrow takes us to a tour of renewable energy research facility, and another meeting in the evening.   Looking forward Saturday and the move to Fife and the Ice Barn.
Robb told me to tell you that I have found all my favorite TV shows- but different!

Are you smarter than a ten year old= Are you smarter than a fifth grader
Relocation-relocation = House Hunters
30 minute meals with Jamie Oliver = 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray

And first run shows of Midsomer Murders- we've only see them on netflix,

So much more to explore.  Back soon.


  1. Awwww, love this.

    I miss you guys already. It is so weird not being able to call you and "rant" about school work. :D

    I hope you both feel better soon! Thank goodness for Mary and the Sudafed. :)

    Keep an eye out for the family castle. ;)


  2. Sounds like you are already having an exciting adventure!
