The Highland Hedgehog

The Highland Hedgehog

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8th

Today was doctor day.

Robb has been calling around attempting to get me into see someone about my ankle, the trip to Edinburgh or Glasgow on hold due to the roads being closed because of continued snow.  He found a sports medicine clinic that agreed to see me and access my ankle and treat it for soft muscle tissue damage.
Appt.  9:00, arrival 9:20 due to ice and traffic;

Once at the clinic the physical therapist thought that I should have my foot looked at by a GP.  She works with one and so gave him a call.  It so happens his wife worked in the same clinic and he was on his way to pick her up so he would give my foot a look.

Within a few minutes he was at the clinic and was turning and poking my ankle and foot, not nearly as softly as the therapist had done.  He felt I should have an x-ray because of the pain still existing and arranged for us to go to a private hospital that would do it and give us the results quickly.  So off we were to the hospital.

Appt. 1:30, arrival 1:25 thanks to TomTom and Eglantine

I was quickly taken into the x-ray room where a very nice technician took two different photos of my foot.  When asked if it was broken she said she wasn't able to tell me.  But as she helped me back into the waiting room she told me "to be very very careful", which lead me to suppose that something wasn't right.

Robb and I waited in the the waiting room and finally she came back and gave me a CD ROM with my x-rays and told us we were to go to a different hospital.   This one was a National Hospital run by the government in the UK.  Again Tom Tom took us directly to the Accident/Emergency entrance which is where we were told to go. 

I walked in gave my name and was told to walk over and down to the plastering room.  We waited a few minutes and a technician came and talked to us.  She didn't know what to do with me so she called the front desk.  There was no order for her to put a cast on my foot.  Back to the reception we went.

The doctor in charge of the Accident/Emergency area came out to talk to us.  Had I had an accident? NO  Was it an emergency? NO  He couldn't help me.   The man in the reception area explained that the doctor who had looked at it had stopped in and was having me sent up to have the orthopedic surgeon look at the xrays and then decide what should be done.  NO, no, he needed to call the doctor and talk to him.  He came back out and told us that he had called and was waiting for the doctor to call back.

A few minutes later, the doctor, a really really nice doctor named Dr. Dawson came into the waiting room at the hospital.  He said he would go talk to the doctor and find out what had happened.  Well, the fact of it was we were Yanks.  I couldn't go to a private hospital and then come to the government hospital.  I had to go back to the private hospital to be treated.

He had looked at the xrays, yes there was a fracture and a small chip, extensive damage to the tendon, and two legiments and a cast could be put on or a boot.  Ah, the boot!

Home 4:00pm.
Long story I know, but we ended up coming back home to await a BOOT that Robb had already ordered two days ago.  It, like everything has been held up due to weather, so once it arrives all will be well. 

Here for your viewing pleasure are my xrays.  You can see the little crack running cross wise and the little bit of a chip that have been causing all this pain.

So it has been a long three weeks of not knowing what was wrong, now we do, but everything is still the same.  It hurts like the devil.

Love to all,

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